Dirty Santa Gift Exchange - Saturday December 16th 2024 - 6:30 PM - Clubhouse
This is one of OLT's favorite events. If you want to participate, please bring a wrapped gift. Gift should be around $25 or less, and should be something nice, or something that you would want if you were getting it. Please do not spoil it for others by bringing a gag gift.
All the gifts will be put on a table and everyone draws a number. The lowest number goes first, and that person will select a gift from the table. The next person can either select a gift or steal the gift from the first person. Gifts may only be stolen twice (2 times because of the large number of people playing). This continues until all numbers have gone and all gifts have been selected.
Santa Soirée & Dance w/DJ Mike - Saturday December 16th 2024 - 8:00 PM - Clubhouse
Wear your red & white, or wear your Santa Suit. And let's party down at the Santa Soirée. DJ will be playing fun & festive music to make your Christmas season jolly & bright.