(formerly Arts Festival)
SEPTEMBER 21, 2024
Oaklake Trails is committed to providing a safe space for all people who practice social nudism or would like to as nudist-curious. All people are welcome and accepted at Oaklake Trails regardless of age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, religion or family structures.
OLT Arts Festival Statement of Purpose:
The purpose of the Oaklake Trails Annual Fall Festival is to encourage, invite and showcase regional vendors whose products encourage body-positive imagery, health, wellness and overall well-being, as it relates to a holistic sense of the human body, which includes physical, intellectual, emotional or spiritual health, and/or the environment(s) in which we live (indoors or outdoors).
PRODUCT CRITERIA: Products* can include visual art intended for indoor or outdoor use and can include figurative work, but is not restricted to figurative work; creative writing; food and/or drink; any products that promote or are for direct use in healthy living and lifestyles, which include, but are not limited to, essential oils, vitamins, holistic healing modalities (books and tools), wearables, skin care, body care, and/or jewelry.
*Handmade products are allowed and encouraged as long as they meet the criteria. Erotic art will be considered on a case by case basis. Any artwork deemed inappropriate by the Selection Committee will not be included.
All vendors must pre-register and pre-pay. Once registration is received and fees paid, additional information will be sent via email.
August 24, 2024: For vendors who wish to have their business/products included in marketing for the 2024 OLT Annual Fall Festival.
September 7, 2024 : For vendors who do not wish to have their business/products included in marketing for the 2024 OLT Annual Fall Festival.
Final Vendor Registration Deadline: September 7, 2024
*All vendors must be registered and pre-paid by September 7, 2024.
2024 Vendor Fees:
$40* – Clubhouse; two tables; two chairs
$35* – Clubhouse: one table: one-two chairs
$25* – Outdoors: one table: two chairs
(Vendor must provide own tent, if needed.)
$5* – Each additional table
*Vendors who bring their own tables will receive a $5.00/table discount (no more than $10.00) from their 2024 Fall Festival Vendor Fee.
**Vendors are required to remain set up for the duration of the festival time.**
PLEASE NOTE: Clubhouse space is first-come, first-served and VERY limited. Outdoor vendors will be set up around the Clubhouse, unless requests are made at the time of registration. Vendor fees are due after registration is submitted by calling the office at 918-324-5999. Vendor fees are non-refundable with exceptions for medical reasons.